Thursday, September 25, 2014

Clean Living


Still calories that count, and a no-no if your tracking on the glycemic index. But, in a less than perfect world these treats from Costco are a viable option in my GF journey.


I've been serious about cutting wheat from my diet from the get-go, and into very rigorous adherence since returning from Kiawah Island and Charleston. But, a girl still needs something sweet from time-to-time.


Can't say I love these (the chocolate is mediocre), but I'm glad they're in my pantry.


At home and cooking this week--Sunday (eggs and Geechie Boy grits), Monday (cucumber-honeydew melon salad), Tuesday (oven-roasted potatoes-asparagus-tomatoes-olives), Wednesday (GF pumpkin bread and beef tacos with green rice). So, tonight CA made a Tommy's run for polish sausages with crispy fries. Tossed the bun, and didn't even miss it. Brunch had been another beef taco (leftovers from last night), so nutritionally I might have failed today except I ate tons of crunchy celerey with almond butter late afternoon. Short-changed my leafy greens today, but most days I load up.







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